Soothe Your Lower Back with Simple Stretches You Can Do Anywhere

Soothe Your Lower Back with Simple Stretches You Can Do Anywhere

Want to look good, feel good and play well? Let’s get moving!

Stretching is an essential component of maintaining healthy joint mobility, muscle length and overall physical health. Without good mobility, your power and strength will also be limited (an elastic band that can’t stretch very far can’t fly very far).

Stretching not only improves your flexibility and potential for power, your tissues also get better circulation, fresh oxygen and more nutrients. This increased blood flow helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing, and reduces pain and discomfort.

For people who have lower back pain, stretching can help alleviate pain and prevent future injuries. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of stretching for the lower back and offer suggestions on where to start!

Some of the most common causes of lower back pain are stiffness in the muscles and joints of the mid-back, hips and feet. When these body parts don’t move well, they can drive excessive motion and pressure into your lower back – making it work harder and get more stressed out. 

So we free up our mid-back, hips and feet to take the load off of our lower back. This allows your spine to be taller and freer, your hips to generate more power, and your feet to ground your movement in a healthier way. And bonus side-effect: your posture also improves!

A simple way to get started is to include a few stretches as you 

  • Wake up in the morning,
  • Wind down for the night,
  • Take a quick stretch break at your desk, and/or 
  • Warm-up before engaging in any physical activity. 

If you have lower back pain, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your stretches over time. Always listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain or discomfort.

Some of our favourite stretches include:

1.) The Rib Rinse: Lateral Slides

    • Hold arms out to the side, reach side to side. Repeat 10x alternating sides.

2.) The Rib Rinse: Cactus Spins

    • Twist side to side with your arms in the cactus positions. Repeat 10x alternating sides.

3.) The Rib Rinse: Chest Pumps

    • Arch and round your mid-back. Repeat 10x alternating.

4.) Shin Box:

    • Drop your knees side to side in this progression: Laying down -> Propped-up sitting -> Straight sitting -> Fold over -> Bridge
    • Remember to keep breathing! 

5.) Thoracic Lunge Matrix

    • In half-kneeling, side-bend and rotate towards the side of the front leg

6.) Calf and Foot Love:

    • Roll a ball under your arches
    • Pin & stretch your calf muscle knots

7.) The Cat-Cow Stretch

Get on all fours and alternate between arching your back and rounding it. Pro tip: Focus on your mid-back when you arch, and on your lower back when you round.

8:) The Child’s Pose

  • Kneel on the ground and sit back on your heels. Reach your arms forward and hold this stretch for 30 seconds. This stretch helps to relieve tension in the lower back, hips, and spine.

9.) The Hamstring Stretch

Lie on your back and raise one leg up towards the ceiling. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds before switching to the other leg. This stretch helps to relieve tension in the muscles running down the back of your legs and lower back.

10.) The Butterfly Stretch

  • Sit on the ground with the soles of your feet together. Hold your feet and gently press down, stretching the inner thighs and lower back.

11.) The Knee-to-Chest Stretch

  • Lie on your back and pull one knee towards your chest, holding it for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. This stretch helps to relieve tension in the lower back, hips, and spine.

Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Massage Therapy at Pure Motion Centre: We Got Your Back!

In addition to stretching, your Pure Motion movement specialist can help with your lower back pain. Our physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and massage therapists are trained to assess and treat musculoskeletal conditions, including lower back pain. We can develop a personalized treatment plan that combines stretching and other techniques to help reduce pain and improve mobility.

One of the first things we will do is conduct a thorough assessment to determine the cause of your lower back pain. We will take into account your medical history, lifestyle, and physical symptoms. We may also perform physical tests, such as range of motion tests, to get a better understanding of your condition.

Based on the assessment, we will create a customized treatment plan that may include a combination of different techniques, including:

    1. Stretching and Strengthening Exercises
    2. Manual Therapy: We are trained in many (many!) advanced techniques including, but not limited to Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex, NKT, Craniosacral therapy, Anatomy in Motion and acupuncture
    3. Education and Advice: We will guide you through evidence-based education and advice on how to manage your lower back pain. We may also provide tips on posture, ergonomics, and activity modification to help prevent further injury and promote healing.

We are at your service to get you moving and playing with freedom! Let’s get in touch! You can email us at [email protected], or call us at 416-901-7873. Looking forward to moving with you!


This appointment is your opportunity to tell us what hurts and discover whether physiotherapy or chiropractic care is a good fit for you! During this session, you will talk with a physiotherapist or chiropractor on a phone call (or online) and create the right care plan specifically for your pain. There is no obligation on this session is to find out whether physiotherapy or chiropractic care can help you getting back to doing the things you love in life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Lower back pain can be caused by a variety of factors including poor posture, overuse or straining of the muscles, improper lifting techniques, and injuries such as a fall. Other causes can be medical conditions such as arthritis, disc degeneration, or spinal stenosis. These can all lead to sensory and motor imbalances that are often very treatable.

If you experience severe and persistent lower back pain, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness, you should seek medical attention. 

It is important to avoid any exercises that involve repeated flexing or rotating of the lower back while under load, such as sit-ups, crunches, and leg lifts. Other activities to avoid while you have pain may include deep squats, lifting heavy weights, and running or jumping (but please note that with proper form and training, these movements may actually be beneficial for you in the long run!). Talk to your movement specialist to determine which exercises are safe for your lower back.

About Amanda Moore

Pure Motion Centre Toronto Physiotherapy Amanda

Amanda’s qualifications make her unique as she is one of three health professionals in Ontario that has P-DTR, Anatomy in Motion and Neurokinetic Therapy qualifications. Previous instructor of  Neurokinetic Therapy and lead study groups for other healthcare professionals in Toronto. Previous clinical facilitator at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Previous Medical Practitioner for 2015 Pan Am Games

Medical Disclaimer:

The information presented in this blog post is for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, treatment or a diagnosis, consult with a medical professional such as one suggested on this website. The Clinic Accelerator Inc. and the author of this page are not liable for the associated risks of using or acting upon the information contained in this article.

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