Reach More New Patients and Fill Last Minute Appointments For FREE

Over 1460+ clinics use Painhero to access the 600,000+ new patients who trust us to find a healthcare provider near them!

Trusted by 1460+ clinics in Canada and USA




Caring Therapists


Patient Visits

Why Providers Love PainHero

Helps You Get More Patients From Google, SEO, Employers, and Insurance Companies

We leverage our 1450+ clinics in our directory and help you get even more new patients with employers, insurers, doctors, and Google. PainHero is a “directory style” website that “supplements” your existing marketing. The goal is to showcase all the clinics in our community and allow us to compete and negotiate with insurance companies, employers, Google, and fight back against consolidation of clinics.

Get New Patients Delivered Straight To Your Inbox

Once a patient books a consult with your clinic through PainHero you’ll instantly be emailed all their information so you can call or email them back to book them into your clinic. 

Google Now Recognizes Painhero As a Top Review/Directory Site… That They Include In Clinic’s Google Business listing

Done For You Listing Designed To Turn Visitors Into Patients

We create a beautifully designed and proven listing page that’s designed to convert visitors into patients based on millions of dollars spent testing at clinics. Our team can help you edit and customize it however you like and whenever you like.

Top Rated PainHero Badge

Having a Top Rated Clinic badge on your website helps you stand out and makes great social proof for your clinic. You can place it on your facebook, instagram, website, advertisements, cards, and anywhere else to give you social proof.

When you sign up for Painhero, we will provide your clinic with a top rated badge specific to your city.

Fill Last Minute Openings

Cancellations cost clinics thousands every month. Painhero offers an easy-to-use wait time publishing solution to help fill up cancellations.

How Does PainHero Work?

1.) Sign up

We create a beautifully designed and proven website listing page. 

2.) Patient Books

Once a patient books a consult with your clinic we’ll instantly email you all their information so you can call or email them back to book them into your clinic.

3.) You Pay Nothing

That’s right – no cost to you!

What is PainHero?

PainHero is largest network of physiotherapists, chiropractors, and registered massage therapists. Over 1460+ clinics use Painhero to access the 600,000+ new patients who trust us to find a healthcare provider near them!

How Do Patients Find PainHero?

We do all the work! We have a team of veteran marketers who target thousands of patients across Google, Bing, and social media networks. Plus we educate them for you through great content.

Ready To Join?

Then just click the button below and fill out the form. After you fill in your details we’ll email you within 7 days once your listing is ready for review. Then you can let us know any updates you want and we’ll add them. Then once you’re satisfied we’ll make it live!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes we operate all across Canada.

Yes, any Physio, Chiro, or massage clinic that cares about getting great results for their patients.

The goal is to showcase all the clinics in our community and allow us to compete and negotiate with insurance companies, employers, and Google. The more clinics we have to show in our community the better we can compete, negotiate and fight back against consolidation of clinics.

To create your listing on Painhero just fill in your details below.

Afterwards, we’ll email you once your listing is ready. Then our team can make any needed updates for you.